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TIPS When Choosing a KOMEG Climate Chamber

TIPS When Choosing a KOMEG Climate Chamber

A climate chamber (also known as an environmental chamber) is used to simulate a range of environmental conditions. They are widely used in lifespan and stability tests across multiple industry types including electronics, automotive, renewable energy, semiconductor, pharmaceutical, and aeronautical engineering.

When choosing a climate chamber, there are a number of important things and main aspects to be taken into consideration:


1.Identify Required Test

An understanding of the types of tests to be performed is the first step in choosing a climate chamber.

KOMEG climate chambers can perform a variety of tests which include the following but not limited to:

  • Temperature testing
  • Humidity testing
  • Thermal shock
  • Temperature cycling / Thermal cycling
  • Vibration
  • Curing, Baking or Annealing
  • Corrosion
  • Altitude
  • Salt-spray test
  • Dust protection
  • Combined environmental testing


2. Choose Chamber Dimensions

Consider the size and density of the specimen under test.

KOMEG offers a complete line of both standard and custom-designed environmental simulation chambers, sizes range from benchtop, a floor-standing to full walk-in/drive-in chamber.


3. Temperature and humidity range

What temperature requirements does your test demand? Choose a chamber that easily achieves your desired temperature range.
Single Stage Chambers: standard range of -20°C/-40°C to 180°C
Cascade Chambers (Double Stage): standard range of -70°C to 180°C

For humidity, pay attention to the RH (relative humidity) range your chamber can achieve.
20% to 98% RH is a standard range, 10% to 98% RH is optional. 


4.Temperature exchange rate

The rate at which the temperature increases or decreases inside the test compartment is called the “Temperature Exchange Rate” (expressed in degrees Celsius per minute) and can vary greatly from one model to another, ranging from 1 °C/min up to 20 °C/min.


5.The type of test specimen (DUT)

The main information to consider regarding the product to be tested is: size, shape and weight of the specimen.

The dimensions of the product allow you to determine the volume of the climatic chamber.

The mass, and therefore the weight, of the specimen is also a very important parameter, since a large mass could adversely affect the test performance.

If the specimen dissipates heat? When the DUT is connected to a power source (active test specimen), it may dissipate heat. In some cases, this may be negligible, while in other cases it must be taken into account, as it may affect the chamber performance.


6. Request Necessary Options

Communicating the optional features your test calls for to your supplier is a vital part of making your chamber decision. Common Options:

  • Adjustable stainless-steel shelves
  • Fog-free viewing window
  • Interior light to illuminate workspace and product
  • Additional cable port
  • Cable port silicone plug
  • Casters
  • Portable tank
  • Ethernet interface


7. Types Of Environmental Test Chambers

KOMEG supplies a wide range of environmental test chambers, including Temperature and Humidity Test Chambers, Rapid-Rate Thermal Cycle Chambers, Walk-In Environmental Chambers, Battery Thermal Test Chambers, Thermal Shock Chambers, HAST Chambers, Altitude Test Chambers, Industrial Ovens, Salt Spray Test Chamber and more.

Contact us at today for expert guidance and choosing the right chamber.