Integrated circuits are an important part of the electronics industry and are used in all aspects of our lives. Due to their sophisticated and complex structure, integrated circuits are highly sensitive to ambient temperature and humidity. The temperature and humidity conditions of the storage environment directly affect the performance and lifespan of the chip.
Overcooling, overheating, or large temperature fluctuations can cause physical damage to integrated circuits. These conditions may lead to thermal expansion or contraction, resulting in degraded performance or even damage. Generally, the ideal temperature range for integrated circuits is between 18°C and 25°C.
Most integrated circuits are packaged in plastic, which makes them susceptible to humid environments. Moisture can penetrate the integrated circuit through gaps in the packaging and pins, leading to short circuits or oxidation corrosion. Conversely, excessively low humidity can result in static electricity accumulation, potentially damaging the chip. Generally, the ideal humidity range for integrated circuits is 30% to 50%.
Integrated Circuit Storage Method
Controlling temperature and humidity is a crucial step in the storage management of integrated circuits. How can these environmental conditions be controlled? To avoid the impact of environmental factors on integrated circuits, they must be stored in a clean, ventilated, and non-corrosive environment. Currently, options for storing electronic components include moisture-proof cabinets, dust-free static warehouses, air-conditioned warehouses, and constant temperature humidity test chambers.
For integrated circuit warehouses, temperature and humidity are primarily regulated by installing air conditioners, using dehumidification equipment, and regularly monitoring and recording environmental data. Additionally, an environmental chamber can fulfill the functions of an integrated circuit warehouse. Below is a walk-in environmental test chamber solution for integrated circuit storage that we developed based on a customer’s requirements.
- Inner Size: W2600*H3000*D6000mm
- External Size: W2800*H3300*D7600mm
- Volume:46.8m3
- Temperature: Constant 25℃
- Humidity: ≤5%RH
- Heating rate: 20℃ to 25℃, ≥1℃/min (empty)
- Cooling rate: 30℃ to 25℃, ≥0.5℃/min (empty)
- Temperature Fluctuation:≤±0.5℃
- Temperature Uniformity:≤2.0℃
- Temperature Deviation:≤±2.0℃
- Cooling Method: Water-cooled