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  • 2021

      Achieved “National High-tech Enterprise” award.

    • 2020

        Expanded product line and introduced digital management system.

      • 2019

          Global business network covering more than 70 countries and regions.

        • 2018

            Established the first enterprise college in the industry and took the lead in using international advanced fluid dynamics simulation technology to continuously optimize products.

          • 2017

              Built our own independent factory covering an area of 18,000 m² in Songshan Lake.

            • 2015

                Member of SAC/TC526.

              • 2012

                  Enlarged and moved to Songshan Lake National High-tech Industrial Park.

                • 2003

                    Cooperated with Peking University to develop the first VOC in China.

                  • 1990

                      Founded in Hong Kong.